Detox Beet Juice Recipe


Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time:

Serves: 1 Person

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Greatly beloved by my grandmother and myself, beets are a vegetable that finds their way into my stomach a few times a week. Beets have so many health benefits and are great for detoxing. One of my favorite ways to consume this root vegetable is in a freshly pressed juice. This Detox Beet Juice recipe is sweet, earthy, and healthy.

Detox Beet juice recipe | Beet juice next to lemon and celery

Disclaimer: Content is not to be taken as or replace medical advice.

I’m a person that loves making fresh fruit juices. Fresh watermelon, starfruit, kale, grape, cucumber, prickly pear, passion fruit, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumber juice. Give me a vegetable or a fruit with a reasonable amount of water content and I’ll try to make a delicious juice from it.

Health benefits of Beets

I truly believe everyone should try to include beets in their diet at least once a week. They really help to clear out extra toxins in the body and can work wonders on constipation.

Beets are a root vegetable grown underground similar to ginger, potatoes, and turnips. They are high in antioxidants as well as vitamin B9.

Beets may help to lower blood pressure due to the amount of nitrates present. They may also help to boost the immune system. They also have a good amount of iron which I try include in my diet as a vegan.

The root vegetable springs into season during fall weather. When autumn comes around, enjoy a nice tall glass of fresh beet juice and take in all of the many benefits they offer.

Health Benefits of Beets | close of up beet juice

Health benefits of drinking vegetables/Juicing

I try to have a fresh juice every day before consuming any solid foods. Reason being that when we first wake up from 6+ hours of sleep, our stomachs are still somewhat in a resting mode.

High water content fruit or fresh juices are a great addition to add in the mornings because they are easy on our stomachs and take less than 30 minutes to digest.

Nutrients from vegetables and fruits are also absorbed much faster in juice form compared to their solid form because the fibre has been taken out. Because our bodies and stomachs do not have to process the fibre, the nutrients are absorbed much faster.

I also love to get my daily greens intake in a juice. Its much easier to consume a bunch of kale or a few handfuls of spinach in juice form rather than its solid form.

Health benefits of juicing

What you need – Detox Beet Juice

Beet juice is honestly very versatile and there is no wrong or right way to make it. A great beet juice can simply just be made with beets and carrots but I like to add a few other veggies and fruits to give added nutrition.

  • Beets
  • Celery
  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • Cucumber
  • Pineapple (or orange)
  • Lemon
  • Ginger
Carrots, apples, lemon, ginger, beets, and celery pictured

Tips on making Beet Juice

This recipe makes just about 16 ounces of fresh juice. However, feel free to add more or less or double the recipe for 2 people. I always soak fruit/veggies in apple cider vinegar diluted with water for at LEAST 5 minutes. There may still be remains of pesticides, dirt, or bugs on fresh produce so its best to be safe rather than sorry. Grab my favorite brand of Apple Cider Vinegar here.

After washing and drying my fruit/veg, I like to peel my carrots as well as my apples. the USDA allows wax on certain produce items to keep them looking shiny and they’re commonly found on apples, even organic. You don’t have to do this though.

Second step is to chop the produce into small enough pieces to fit into your juicer. The hole for my juicer is quite large so I don’t usually have to chop too small.

Juicing Equipment

If you need advice on a quality yet affordable juicer, I use the Hamilton Beach Juicer and it gets the job done while being cost effective.

I also use the new 1200 Watt NutriBullet Blender for all my smoothies and sometimes juices when I feel lazy. Its a great blender and also comes with a personal size cup! Grab one for your kitchen here.

Juiced Detox beet juice recipe in a bowl

If you’re using a blender, I would suggest to firstly blend the ingredients with a higher water content first, the celery. Then add in the rest of the ingredients and a little bit of water and blender until well combined.

Even though I use a juicer, I still like to further strain my juices because I love that silky consistency. Its not a necessary step though and the little pulp leftover holds lots of nutrients.

As said, this total recipe makes about 16 ounces making it the perfect amount for one person. If you want more, add a few more celery sticks and you’ll get a similar taste with the same benefits from the beets.

16 ounces measured of Detox Beet juice recipe

How to store Detox Beet Juice

This beet juice can last about 3 days in the fridge. Keep in mind, freshly pressed juices begin to lose their nutritional value after 30 minutes of it being made.

The best way to consume this beet juice or any fresh fruit/vegetable juice for that fact is right after its been made. Just to ensure none of the nutritional benefits are lost.

Grab more healthy juice and smoothie recipes here

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  • Prep time: 10 minutes
  • Total time: 10 minutes
  • Serves: 1 Person

This beet juice is simple, tasty, and has hints of sweetness. Enjoy all the health benefits from beets and let your body detox with this simplified and delicious recipe.


Detox Beet Juice

  • 1 Small Beet
  • 1/3 English Cucumber
  • 3 Small Carrots
  • 5 Stalks Celery
  • 1 Medium Apple
  • 3/4 - 1 Cup Pineapple
  • 1 Lemon wedge
  • 1 Thumb Ginger



  • 1)

    Soak the fruit and vegetables in apple cider vinegar diluted (1 tbs) with water for at least 5 minutes.

  • 2)

    After soaking, properly wash off the produce, peel skins if necessary, and cut into small pieces to fit into your blender or juicer.

  • 3)

    Juicer: Press the free fruit/veg into the juicer until completed.

    Blender: Pour a small amount of water into your blender and throw the celery in. Blend until a water-like consistency has been formed. Then, add in the rest of the ingredients and blend until well combined.

  • 4)

    Juicer: Strain if desired or leave pulp and enjoy.

    Blender: Run the mixture through a strainer or push through a mesh nut milk bag for a smooth, silk consistency.


  • 5)

    Serve over ice or as is and enjoy!

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