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Last Updated on October 22, 2022 by Tiffany
As the summer time approaches, the days get longer and hotter. I’m not kidding, I think this is like the hottest Atlanta has been ever! This quick recipe was inspired by a virgin mojito I had while in the US Virgin Islands (haha, both are virgins, get it? No… Okay) and it was one of the most refreshing beverages I had in a while. When I recreated this virgin raspberry basil mojito at home, I blew myself away.
Now, this recipe can be made with or without alcohol. While I am of legal age to consume alcohol, I kind of hate the taste of it. This quick and easy beverage is also great to cool down kids of all ages making it inclusive for the entire family.
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I feel like you’d have to give me fifty bucks to voluntarily drink, I prefer a fruit flavoured drink all on its own without the unnecessary fermented burn in the back of my throat. Unless it’s Kombucha, I LOVE kombucha.
Mojitos are typically made with rum and as said, feel free to include it in the recipe. Do your thang buttercup!
This recipe is so simple and you’ll have a drink that would probably cost 10 dollars from a restaurant in your hands in less than ten minutes.
By now you’re probably like okay Tiff, tell me what I need so I can taste it already! Don’t worry, I’ve got you.
What you need: Virgin Raspberry Basil Mojito
- Fresh Lime Juice
- Agave Syrup (or any sweetener of choice)
- Fresh or frozen raspberries
- Sparkling water
- Mint & Basil Leaves
- Ice- optional but adds to more satisfaction if it is a super hot day
You can totally use a store bought lime concentrate but I typically like to stay away from those as they have unnecessary additives that are not necessarily the best for you.
If mint is hard to find or too expensive, it is okay to exclude but it’ll be greatly missed. The flavor combo of both the fresh basil and mint added a stunning amount taste to the drink.
This recipe is quick and super versatile so if you’re not a fan of raspberries, they can easily be swapped out with blueberries, strawberries, or even orange juice! Just be ready to put in a little bit more arm strength if subbing for a harder berry (ex: strawberries).
Ingredients : Virgin Raspberry Basil Mojito
- 13 fresh or frozen raspberries- (if frozen, be sure to defrost)
- Juice of 1 lime
- 4 basil leaves
- 4 mint leaves
- 1.5 tablespoons of agave syrup (or any sweetener of choice)
- 1.5 cups sparkling water
Mash the raspberries with the lime juice and agave syrup then muddle or fork in the herb leaves, pour in the sparkling water and you’re done! If you want to see more simple recipes.
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