Collard Greens Juice


Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time:

Serves: 2-3 People

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Last Updated on August 22, 2023 by Tiffany

Collard greens aren’t just for thanksgiving, they also taste amazing in a green juice! Let’s explore the benefits and refreshing taste of a simple homemade collard greens juice.

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Disclaimer: Content is not to be taken as or replace medical advice.

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    Health Benefits of Collard Greens

    Collard greens taste so delicious raw, and I’m not just saying that. When developing this recipe, I was seriously worried about the taste! The taste isn’t overpowering at all and taste very nice (almost sweet!) with the other produce in this recipe.

    Most people (specifically Americans) eat collard greens cooked up as a Thanksgiving side. However upon researching, collard greens have so many health benefits in their raw state.

    Collard greens are very high in Vitamin K which may help to strengthen our bones. They also have good amounts of calcium and help to boost the stomach’s digestion.

    Recommended Juicer

    I make all of my juices with one of the best slow coldpress juicers in the world, the Kuvings REVO830. It is a bit pricey but has a generous 15 year warranty and can also make nut milks, sorbet, ice cream, and of course juices. 

    Kucings REVO830 juicer with collard greens juice

    The pulp produced is also extremely dry which means you get the most out of your money.When I had a cheaper high speed juicer, the pulp was extremely wet and I had to run it through several times. Kuvings also offers other models at affordable prices as well as a monthly payment plan. 

    Use code ITALEATS for 10% off all Kuvings juicers via this link! Check out the Kuvings USA (or whichever country your location is) website to view other models such as the C7000 and Ev0820. Be sure to use my code ITALEATS during checkout to receive 10% off all the juice models Kuvings has to offer!

    What you’ll need

    Collard greens, celery, apples. oranges, cucumber, ginger
    • Collard Greens
    • Oranges
    • Apples
    • Cucumber
    • Celery
    • Ginger

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    How to make collard greens juice

    Step One:

    Wash your produce properly and allow to soak in baking soda and vinegar for at least 15 minutes. This will help to remove any dirt residue, pesticides, or bugs that may be on the fruit/veg. Cut your produce according to you juicer/blender size.

    Step Two:

    Juicer: Juice the product in the juicer and strain if necessary.

    Blender: Juice the oranges by hand or orange squeezer. Add the orange juice and extra coconut water if needed and blend with the fresh produce until everything is combined.

    collard greens juice in mason jar

      How to store collard greens juice

      Storing depends on the method of juice extraction. If using a blender/high speed juicer, the juice should be consumed right away. These methods only allow the juice to keep its nutrients for 30 minutes up to one day. However, if you use a cold press juicer, the nutrients will also for up to 72 hours or 3 days.

      Freezing is also a method. Store in a BPA free plastic water bottle (NOT GLASS!) and freeze for up to 2 weeks. When its time to consume, let it thaw out for a few hours and enjoy!

      Pinterest Image Collard greens Juice

      Did you enjoy this recipe? Sharing is caring! Be sure to share this with family and friends and save to your Pinterest board for later.

      Check out these other Green juice recipes you’ll enjoy

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      Sweet Green Juice

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      • Prep time: 10 minutes
      • Total time: 10 minutes
      • Serves: 2-3 People

      Collard greens aren't just for serving next to candied sweet potatoes, they also taste amazing in a green juice! This collard greens green juice is packed with nutrients and a must add to your daily routine!


      • 1 Bunch Collard Greens
      • 2 Oranges
      • 3 Apples
      • 1 Cucumber
      • 5 Celery Sticks
      • Thumb Ginger


      • 1)

        Wash your produce properly and allow to soak in baking soda and vinegar for at least 15 minutes. This will help to remove any dirt residue, pesticides, or bugs that may be on the fruit/veg. Cut your produce according to your juicer/blender size.

      • 2)

        Juicer: Juice the product in the juicer and strain if necessary. 

        Blender: Juice the oranges by hand or orange squeezer. Add the orange juice and extra coconut water if needed and blend with the fresh produce until everything is combined.


      *View the article for my recommended juicer (Kuvings REVO830).

       *Using the Kuvings juicer, this juice will last up to 72 hours in the fridge. However, if using a blender or high speed juicer, this will last about 30 minutes to 24 hours before nutrients are lost.


      • Julie

        July 28, 2024 at 9:50 pm

        Do you juice the stalks of the collards or only the leaves?

        1. Tiffany

          July 29, 2024 at 12:25 am

          Hi Julie!

          I throw everything in there, including the stalks. If you have a less powerful juicer, make sure to chop them up so you don’t run into any issues. Enjoy!

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